Birthday Month

The smell of lilacs, fresh cut grass, giant lollipops and laughter in the air are whispers of long ago.  Those are happy memories of my birthday. 

New Attitude!

This year has started off very different from the last 4 years. We are now 3 months into the year.  This is about the time we first measure how the year is going so far.   I’m not sure you will believe me or that I will bore you with my faith beliefs but here goes. Goal #1. To be bold in my faith! In the spring of 2017 I had such a difficult season working in my own strength. (My own strength? you ask,)  ” I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”  Philippians, 4:13. Yes, in my…

Arroyo Garden Murals

Last week was the completion of the tiled murals I was hired to make and install.  This is my first commercial job and it actually went pretty smoothly.  No different than installing for homes.  Well… maybe a little different.  It’s  a mans world in a construction zone.  Being one of the 3 women…everyone was very respectful and helpful. As promised, I told you I would post pics of the project.  I didn’t have a Go-Pro.  I wish I could’ve had one but maybe the next project, which is coming up this summer. I decided to have professional pictures done of…

Lead by the Spirit

Many things inspire me, all day long. Here are a few Shadow Box  sculptures that were inspired by gardening, bird watching and nature with a bit of  whimsy. Hummer with Wild Flower Ceramic Shadow Box                          

Ringing in the New Year

It will soon be 2013. I am looking back and counting all my blessings but also looking forward to diving into the new year with hopes and dreams, ideas and plans. As I always do each January, I make a list of things I would like to accomplish. I strive to meet all my goals but I am only human and always fall short of the list of goals. I think I have made great strides in 2012. I have managed to juggle several care-giving jobs and build my craft and grow my business. I have had my moments of…

Up & Coming Fall Art Shows 2012

I am so excited about this coming season.  Fall!  It’s finally here and I am busy making inventory as fast as I can.   I spent the summer building stock and all of that went into galleries: Tucson Botanical Gardens Gift Shop,  Tucson Museum of Art Gift Shop and Mas Y  Mas. (More about the galleries later),   I am  producing more art pieces and my creativity is exploding.  I have been planning my booth design, making mental notes of the items I will need to  maximize the space. I look forward to being in the atmosphere of artists ready to put a smile on their faces and sell.    To an artist,  a  sale is a validation…