Red October

October being just a few days away, I would like to remind folks that October 6, next Saturday is my last mosaic workshop for the season.  It’s been such fun helping my students design, glue and grout! Boom! They were done and leaving with a really beautiful tile mosaic wall piece they could hang in their house or give as a gift.  I loved watching their excitement when everything started to come together… They all said, and I quote, ” I am so glad I took this class.” Ya see, I make all the tile up in advance. From cactus…

Sweet September

Ringing in the New Year

It will soon be 2013. I am looking back and counting all my blessings but also looking forward to diving into the new year with hopes and dreams, ideas and plans. As I always do each January, I make a list of things I would like to accomplish. I strive to meet all my goals but I am only human and always fall short of the list of goals. I think I have made great strides in 2012. I have managed to juggle several care-giving jobs and build my craft and grow my business. I have had my moments of…